The most beautiful egg in the world

after the book by Helme Heine

Theater in englischer Sprache für das 3. und 4. Schuljahr

Once upon a time there were three chickens – Dotty (Pünktchen), Leggy (Latte) and Feather (Feder) – who argued about which one was the most beautiful. Pünktchen had the most beautiful dress. Latte had the most beautiful legs. And Feder wore the most beautiful comb. Because they could not agree, they asked the king. He announced a contest: Which chicken would lay the most beautiful egg? All three took great pains; each egg was something very special. Did the king make a wise decision? Truly not an easy task!

A sensitive story about being better and more beautiful and also a bit about quarrels and friendship – taken from real life. With the famously ambiguous humor of Helme Heine – presented in a child-friendly way.

Informationen zur Inszenierung

Zielgruppe: Englisch lernende Schulkinder
Autor/in: Helme Heine
Regie: Wally Schmidt
Spieler/innen: Paul Schmidt, Wally Schmidt
Bühnenbild: Anne Röttgerkamp
Figuren: Uschi Faltenbacher, Paul Schmidt
Kostüme: Stella My

Technische Angaben

Spieldauer: 40 Min.
Aufbau: 3 Std.
Abbau: 1 Std.
Bühnenmaße: Breite: 6m / Höhe: 3m / Tiefe: 4m (Höhe ab Podest)


  • Theater SalzstreuNer
  • Wally Schmidt/Paul Schmidt
  • Gibitzenhofstr. 171
  • 90443 Nürnberg
  • Bayern
  • Telefon (Festnetz): 0170 3224640
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:

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